New Forest Wildlife on Camera

On an episode of countryfile, they explored the antics of well-known wildlife film-maker Eric Ashby who spent his life situated in the grounds of the New-forest where he captured many moments of life in the wild-including the mysterious Badgers. Although sadly passed a few years ago, his work still lives on and influences many of the modern film-makers today.
I was fascinated by his curiosity and interest in just one place and he went back continuously to record the goings on of the forest. His home "Badger cottage" was situated in the New forest which explains his love for the place-and indeed it is a great place to go.
Eric Ashby worked for the BBC's many nature programs and when he released his film "The unknown forest" people got to see what nature was really like without any controlled settings. He was known as "The silent watcher" and was one of the first film-makers to develop sound-proof camera boxes, which helped when photographing Badgers in daylight and also deer that are extremely sensitive to noise.
I am not a huge film fanatic but nature and wildlife captured on film is definitely a skill to be proud of, and with the advances in technology we have managed to create incredible programs like "Planet Earth" but when it happens to be on your doorstep, it's even more exciting.
Here is one of his videos of badgers:
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